
More Is More (When It Comes to Reaching Your Subscribers)

More Is More (When It Comes to Reaching Your Subscribers)

The overload of data and information people consume every day has been increasing for years, and email marketers have long been wary of annoying their audience with too many emails. However, if an onslaught of emails is actually damaging, why do so many companies rely on the “more is more” principle when it comes to e-marketing?

An article explained that aggressive email marketing is the most successful tactic for email marketers looking to boost sales. Companies found that no matter what, the more emails they sent, the more revenue they gained.

Consumers don’t hate email, so companies shouldn’t be overly worried about annoying their customers with frequent messaging. Unlike physical mail, email is cheap to send and easy to ignore, so consumers can control their engagement within the communication channel.

The one caveat that cannot be ignored is that open rates typically go down as email frequency goes up. However, over a period of time, sending more emails will ultimately reach more customers and give people a higher chance of doing business with you, thus increasing revenue. For those that don’t open your email, seeing your sender address and subject line in their inbox everyday will still give them a greater awareness of your brand. Much like television advertising, email can play in the background, but still gets the point across, especially with repetition.

Segmentation and email tailoring is a good practice, but often very time consuming. For those looking to boost sales quickly, put your effort into crafting one (or a few at most) high-quality messages that will appeal to your whole list.

Finally, the practice of allowing your subscribers to select the frequency they wish to hear from you is a popular way to give control over to your customers/clients. It allows them the preference to reduce the number of emails they receive from you rather than just eliminating all correspondence by unsubscribing. Providing this option up-front or at the time of “unsubscribe” can be an extremely valuable option.

More is more is most often the way to proceed in the world of email marketing. Though marketers should be testing their way toward optimum frequency, contacting your audience with well-crafted, well-intentioned messages will make a better impact that bypasses being annoying.

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