
Case Study Apple – Simple And Elegant Email Marketing

Case Study: Apple – Simple And Elegant Email Marketing

As you look around, how many people do you see using devices that are emblazoned with a small apple logo? At ResponseGenius, we know from our advanced reporting tools that close to 7-out-of-10 emails deployed through our system are opened in some sort of Apple device.

One would assume that even those not subscribed to the ‘Apple Cult’ know about one of the world’s most successful technology companies. Apple generates over $50.6 billion in annual revenue.

Apple delivers exceptional products. It has created loyal followers dedicated to its quality of goods, outstanding service and elegant design. But similar to most companies, the products aren’t the only things working on consumers.

Apple’s digital marketing strategies have always complimented their products, both visually and technologically. Not only do their email design characteristics mirror the simple device designs, but their digital campaigns function seamlessly across all devices. For years, Apple has relied on basic marketing best-practices to further succeed as an international technology behemoth.

Apple relies on the following basic email marketing best-practices to deliver successful campaigns:

  • Quality over quantity – less information goes farther if the information is comprehensive, concise, and comprehensible
  • Clean design and layout – less clutter, less distractions from what you want the reader to know
  • Assist the reader – help your reader make an easy decision by providing no-nonsense information that is both trustworthy and transparent

With clean fonts, color and design, Apple’s branding remains resilient and translates well across all platforms and mediums. More importantly, their content is simple, relevant and informative, ensuring that all customers can make an informed decision before making a well-informed buying decision. Disclaimer: for copyright reasons, we cannot include images from these campaigns in this blog, but suggest exploring the website to see these characteristics at play.

When planning your next email marketing campaign, think about how you’re presenting your company identity and brand. You should always look to put your brand’s (or your client’s brand’s) unique positioning forward, while continuing to ask if your campaign is communicating in the most efficient way possible.

ResponseGenius offers you one of the finest deployment solutions with advance reporting, sophisticated features and unprecedented visibility into your digital campaigns. We also offer expert email marketing consulting to a select few of our clients.

Let ResponseGenius help take your email marketing to the next level –

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