
Cupcake with eight candles

Celebrate With Your Email Subscribers

Most people love a holiday or special occasion, so celebrate good times and distinct days with your subscribers! While people MOST look forward to a day off from work, spending time with loved ones, or actual gifts, recognizing celebratory days or weekends is a personable, and often heartfelt way of getting in touch with your contact list.

While holiday-time can often be busy, let subscribers know you’re thinking of them and their needs during these periods. Whether it’s a promotional offer or a simple gesture of wishing them a “happy [enter holiday here]”, this communication can be a great tool to increase conversion while also building a personal connection with subscribers.

If you want to REALLY make an impression, send your subscribers automated birthday messages to let them know they are in your thoughts on their special day. Again, it’s possible you’re offering them a personalized discount on your goods and services or you’re just sending well wishes, but the individual recognition will often strengthen your long-term relationship, further driving repeat business or engagement.

Birthday emails are a built-in Automated Workflow in the ResponseGenius platform, making automated birthday campaigns simple and easy.

Don’t have their birthday? Consider including birth date in your data collection point as your subscribers sign up. If not, blast a stand-alone note to your list, encouraging them to provide this information by enticing them with potential offers and perks.

Whether it’s a national holiday or individual birthday, consider spreading joy with your subscribers on the most exceptional days of the year!

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