
Are You Gathering and Maintaining Quality Data About Your Consumers

Are You Gathering and Maintaining Quality Data About Your Consumers?

Have you ever deployed the most brilliant marketing campaign, but the results don’t live up to expectations? Not having the right data can bring down any campaign, no matter how genius it is.

Data is critical to your campaign because it provides the foundation for an informed strategy. If your campaign was a piece of art, data would be the canvas and your ideas would be the paints. You may have the perfect picture in mind, but without the base it will never fully come to fruition.

But it’s not as simple as just collecting data – you must gather quality data. Here are some of the tell-tale signs your data might not be up to standards:

  1. Your data has expired
    Even the best data becomes outdated over time. The process of collecting and processing new data can be tedious, even expensive at times, but it is essential to your campaigns if you want positive results. Different types of data have different shelf lives, so it’s key to stay cognizant of information that expires faster than others. For example, information like employers and addresses are more likely to expire quicker, while data like phone numbers and full names rarely change, if ever.
  2. Your data management process isn’t working

    In our omni-channel world, data is acquired through a plethora of tools like websites, email, social media sites, and more. As data input channels increase, so does the likelihood of error. Unless all your systems in place are integrated, data can be slightly modified along the way. Without a vigorous data management process in place, campaigns are more likely to produce unstructured data points.
  3. Your data is accessible to too many people
    Businesses that allow data to be shared across departments and functions run the risk of spoiling data quality. Though data is collected to be used, the more people that append additional details to update data, the greater the chance that the quality will decrease. Large companies that rely heavily on data might consider restricting data only to those who initiate the research, or at least put restrictions on access levels and modification capabilities.

To maintain data quality, it’s imperative to understand how information is sourced and used. Likewise, marketers must also recognize when and where data degradation is likely to become prevalent before the impact of data decay can be felt. Protect your data like the important building block to your successful campaign that it is.

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