Operating a local restaurant, auto-shop, doctor’s office, or clothing store can be professionally, personally, and financially rewarding. But no matter how large your network or history of successes, building up your local business’ brand identity and reputation from the ground up can be very difficult and time-consuming. That’s where email marketing can contribute.
From grand openings to expanding out to other franchises, targeted email marketing campaigns can be any local company’s most effective communications tool in generating awareness and recognition around your brand. When it comes to staking your ground and finding success as a new or expanding local business, lean in to hyper-local email marketing to help deliver the results you want.
Before you can really ramp up your efforts, it’s important that you begin building a hyper-local email list. The effectiveness of any email campaign, big or small, is determined by the list of recipients. This is especially true for local businesses, which generate the most revenue from nearby consumers. Because of this, budding businesses should center resources around drawing in a local crowd and converting those customers into subscribers.
Businesses typically see the most success in building out a hyper-local list when they incentivize email enrollment. It’s common for restaurants or retailers to design loyalty programs that reward frequent shoppers, or stores may offer first-time shopper discounts in exchange for subscribing. Setting up these sorts of incentive programs can help companies build a strong hyper-local list while also encouraging customer loyalty.
Once you have built a sturdy and maintainable hyper-local subscriber list, take advantage of geography to resonate with your audience. Through radius targeting, local business marketers can develop personal messaging that is both effective in communicating to subscribers and in establishing their brand in the community.
In addition to messaging subscribers on personal events like birthdays or holidays (which can easily be done using automated email routines), companies should capitalize on local opportunities or events such as school fundraisers, town celebrations or festivals, and more. When there is no grand opening or other event to drive traffic, updating subscribers with new products, special promotions, or important reminders will keep them alert and more inclined to interact with your brand.
Email campaigns provide businesses with the ability to grow a local following from the offset. If utilized correctly, email marketing can help build a strong and personal connection with local target audiences and establish a brand as a valued member of their community.
Let ResponseGenius help take your email marketing to the next level – hello@responsegenius.com